
Insurance Companies: Call Recording software for your industry

Insurance Companies: Call Recording software for your industry

The benefits of call recording for insurance companies  For insurance companies call recording isn’t just a convenience or a smart idea; it’s the law. Regardless of the size of your business, the Financial Conduct Authority requires all companies under its governance to create full and accurate records pertaining to transactions. Recording all calls is just…

How to record your calls: A beginner’s guide to call recording

How to record your calls

The Lanonyx guide on how to record your calls You may understand the benefits of call recording, but would you know how to  record your calls or go about capturing every conversation? Whether for business or personal use, call recording is becoming increasingly sought after; we have the technology, so why not use it? However,…

Complaint handling: Are you dealing with telephone complaints effectively?

How do you deal with an angry customer on the phone

Complaint handling: Are you getting it right? Everyone who runs a business will come across a complaint at some time or other. It may be about the service received, the product quality is unsatisfactory, or even a fly in the soup. Whatever the reason for the complaint the most important factor now is how you…

Financial benefits of call logging of call logging and recording software

financial benefits

Financial benefits of call logging and call recording software It’s estimated that users of call logging software can save up to 15% on their bills almost immediately. These days that’s a fair amount to be able to plough into other areas of your business. If the figures sound good, but you’re not sure where those…

Motivation: the art of maximising potential in your business

The power of motivation

The power of motivation From Winston Churchill to David Brent, motivation has been a key component in every leader’s arsenal. Get it right and you can have a deep and thoughtful impact upon your team, deliver results that make your competitors marvel at your supremacy, leave a legacy of quotes for generations to benefit from,…

Brexit day: The beginning of the end of our EU adventure

Brexit day

Brexit and business: What does the triggering of Article 50 mean for our customers? Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last couple of years you’ll be thoroughly familiar with, and perhaps even tired of, the term ‘Brexit’. Brexit is a portmanteau, a blending together of two words to create a new, often…

Sense check your call recording techniques to improve agent performance

sense check

  Sense Check your technology: Are you getting the maximum benefit from your call recording system?  A quick and simple sense check of how you use your call recording system can help identify areas whereby you can increase productivity, service, and efficiency just by utilising the technology at your disposal. Here we will look at four…

Vehicle rental companies: Call recording software will put you in the fast lane

Vehicle rental

Vehicle rental companies: Why call Logging and recording is right for your business There are a variety of reasons why a person may wish to hire a vehicle. Perhaps they’re in need of a van in order to move to a new house, or to conduct a house clearance. They may need a car while…

Pre-recorded Audio Marketing – New ways to market your business

Pre-recorded Audio

Using call recording in the real world: Email marketing and the use of pre-recorded audio We’ve covered the professional uses of call recording and call logging software in quite some detail. From improved training and efficiency, to complaints handling and customer satisfaction, all companies should be investing in call recording equipment these days. However, did…

Fraud prevention: Can you afford to get it wrong?

fraud prevention

The importance of call recording in fraud prevention If you’re still unsure whether call recording software is the right choice for your business to aid fraud prevention, please take a moment to read this article. If you follow the business and financial pages of any newspaper or news site you’ll no doubt have seen the…