Do I really need a call recorder?

Do I really need a call recorder? If we wanted to keep this article short and sweet we could reply with a simple, “yes”. However, we’re required to elaborate on that answer – however true it is. You see, we believe in our software, and its inherent benefits. Call recorders have advantages for businesses of…

Can call recording help me to monitor single departments of my larger company?

Can call recording help me to monitor single departments of my larger company? Wherever possible, we try to use our blog to address your burning questions. Well, we wouldn’t be any good at our jobs if we weren’t divulging the answers that our customers needed. This last couple of weeks we have noticed a lot…

How can I see what calls we’re missing, and where?

How can I see what calls we’re missing, and where? Missed calls can mean missed opportunities, missed sales leads and missed profit. Whether the caller was ringing to ask a query, make a payment, express a complaint or apply for a job their time should matter to you – and it does matter to you….

Is there a call logging solution that will work with a hosted VoIP system?

Is there a call logging solution that will work with a hosted VoIP system? We’ve talked rather extensively about the benefits of our call logging and recording software. However, did you know that It could be applied to all kinds of telephone systems? Many customers assume that our software is only compatible with a standard…

How hairdressers and barbers can benefit from call logging software

How hairdressers and barbers can benefit from call logging software You’ve no doubt made a promise to yourself that this year will be a good one for your hair salon or barbers’ shop. Primped, primed, and ready to go you’ve worked so hard to get to where you are today. So what’s holding you back?…

When wintry conditions are here… Allow call recording and logging to stoke the fires of your business

When wintry conditions are here… Allow call recording and logging to stoke the fires of your business. You’ve no doubt felt it; more wintry conditions. While it can be tempting to snuggle up with a duvet and swear not to leave your hovel again until the sun appears, business doesn’t work like that – sorry!…

Improving your appeal in just thirty seconds: The benefits of putting your customers on hold

Improving your appeal in just thirty seconds: The benefits of putting your customers on hold Come on, admit it; how many of you learned the words to Greensleeves simply so that you could sing along with the merry on-hold music you’ve become so accustomed to hearing? Whether it’s Greensleeves, Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, or another easy-listening…

Improving your appeal in just thirty seconds: The benefits of putting your customers on hold

Come on, admit it; how many of you learned the words to Greensleeves simply so that you could sing along with the merry on-hold music you’ve become so accustomed to hearing? Whether it’s Greensleeves, Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, or another easy-listening mash-up, on-hold music does have its benefits. After all, how else would customers know that…

Back to school: The benefits of call logging and recording when it’s time to get back to business

The benefits of call logging and recording when it’s time to get back to business The summer holidays are well and truly over, and for many businesses up and down the country it’s time to start thinking about Christmas – and beyond. While many children will have started, or returned to school, September is a…

Information is power: How call logging and call recording can help you get ahead

information is power

Information is power… How to maximise the benefits of your Call Recording and Call Logging software Information is power [so they say] so why not use the information that’s already at your disposal. For those of you who are regular visitors to our blog posts you’ll be more than aware of the benefits we extol…