
Call logging and call recording systems in the solicitors office

call logging and call recording systems in the solicitors: office achieve the right outcome

How call recording and call logging can achieve the right outcome in your solicitors office At some point or other we all need to access a solicitors expert knowledge. It might be for personal issues such as buying and selling property, wills and probate, divorce proceedings or personal injury claims. Maybe it will be for…

Helping to provide quality care in nursing homes

Care homes

The health and social care sector in the UK is facing many challenges. The provision of quality care in nursing homes up and down the country is under threat from demands to meet efficiency saving targets whilst striving to address the needs of an ageing population. The issues are clear for all to see. Projections…

How Call Logging and Call Recording software can make you a better leader!

information is power

The benefits of how call logging and call recording software… impact upon any business are rather clear; such software is cost cutting, identifies and reduces inefficiencies within a company, and helps staff members to fulfil their roles with clearer motivation. In addition, as if those benefits weren’t enough, call logging and call recording programmes can…

Call Logging and Call Recording software for a new generation

Call Logging and call

Call Logging and Call Recording software: How did we get this far, and where do we go from here? We talk rather extensively about call logging and  call recording software – it’s our business, you see – but do you know where it all began, or how it is that things have progressed so far?…

Forging a vital link in the Estate Agent chain

Estate Agent

Call Logging and Call Recording software for the Estate Agent Dealing with an estate agent happens during what most people describe as one of the most stressful times of their life – moving house. As a customer you want to be put at ease by your estate agent, given confidence by their demeanour and approach…

A phone call to the dentist shouldn’t be like pulling teeth!


Call Logging and Call Recording for dentists Is there anyone out there who enjoys a trip to the dentist? Maybe not, but it is a necessary evil. Not that we’re suggesting that dentists are in any way evil, quite the opposite in fact. But, it is true that for many the prospect of a trip…

Call Logging and Call Recording each day keeps doctors surgery problems away

doctors Surgery

How can Call Logging and Call Recording help your doctors surgery? The likelihood is that all of us, at some time or other, will have reason to contact a local doctors surgery. Although technology has bought with it means of communication hitherto unfathomable even 20 years ago, the favoured means of contact with our doctors…

Fraud! How Call recording and Call logging software can minimise the possibility…


Call recording and Call logging can minimise possibility of fraud We’ve covered many of the benefits of call recording and call logging software, including cost, increased productivity, and compliance, but what of the occurrences that call such programmes can reduce? Fraud is, and always has been a huge problem, particularly when phone calls are concerned;…

Why recruitment agencies should add Call Logging and Call Recording software to their CV

Recruitment agencies should add call logging and call recording software

Why recruitment agencies should add Call Logging and Call Recording software… If you’re looking for reasons as to why recruitment agencies should add call logging and call recording software, well, you’ve come to the right place… In December the 8th annual report on the performance of the recruitment industry, carried out by the Recruitment &…

Call logging and call recording software can save your business money – Here’s how…

financial benefits

4 ways Call logging and call recording software can save you money While we’ve touched upon the topic of how call logging and call recording software can save you money previously, we thought it was about time we expanded on that for you… If you wanted a quick answer to the question above we could simply…