business strategy

How to build a successful business strategy in just 5 simple steps

The success or failure of your business hangs in the balance and depends mainly on one thing- your business strategy.

A good business strategy can see your business and profit grow in the direction you want; a poor or no strategy at all is dooming your start-up to failure. It is never too late to create your business plan so if you are starting out for the first time or are looking for a much needed boost to your struggling sales- follow these 5 easy steps to a fool proof business strategy:

Do your research

In order to get a clear and realistic idea of where your business is headed you should start with gathering facts about your company and the industry you are in. Focus on your own strength and weaknesses in order to be able to evaluate where you are most likely to success. Look at your competitors to see what you will up against and look into your market- what is it the public really need?

Write your vision and mission statements

Your vision statement will outline where you want your company to be in the future, what your purpose and your company values are. It should also outline your long and medium term goals so that you have something to aim for.

You mission statement is similar but incorporates your short term goals and what you need to do to reach them. Your mission statement should answer what you do, how you do it, and whom does it benefit.

Create your objectives

Look at each area of your business using the research you conducted at the beginning of your business strategy. From here you can set targets and objectives for every area of your company, not just for sales but for lead generation, staff turnover, marketing and more. You will need to prioritise and highlight the most important objectives and begin to work towards them accordingly.

Make a plan of action

Once you have your objectives you need to translate these in to short term plans for each department of your business. This will involve measurable units, talking to suppliers, communicating with shareholders so that everyone involved in your business knows what they need to do and when they should be doing it. It’s time to get things moving.

Manage your strategy

An essential part of your business strategy is performance management. You need to be able to collect data, evaluate it and be able to clearly see how your strategy is working. You should continue to monitor your strategies and make changes where necessary in order to be able to grow your business in the right direction.

Being methodical about your business strategy will reap you the rewards of a well put together business, instead of one that’s thrown together off the cuff.

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