social media marketing

Social Media Marketing: Top 5 Tips you should be using

Social Media Marketing

Whether you’re posting photos on Instagram, discussing politics on Twitter or indulging in meme wars on Facebook, social media marketing is an integral part of daily life.  Savvy marketing campaigns build a relationship between customer and product; a task social media is ideally suited to. But, where do you begin? How do you find your market segment?  And how do you get them interacting with, and more importantly buying, your product or service?

1. Plan

What works on one channel won’t necessarily work elsewhere.  Decide what social media channels you are going to concentrate on (for example Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) and plan exactly who each channel will target.

2. Take care with #hashtags

Rather than littering your posts with random words, choose a good hashtag before you begin.  A well-chosen hashtag can pull all your social media output together and generate a sort of brand loyalty and awareness that is difficult to pull off with traditional marketing.  Make sure it’s easy to spell and can’t be read incorrectly – there have been some rather embarrassing mistakes made with hastily pulled together hashtags.  Check no one else is using it and off you go.  You can use a service like Social Sprout to follow its progress.

3. Use automation

There are several services that can help you to improve your social media game.  Automated publishing features mean you can write a post now but not actually publish until you know your audience will be listening.  But that’s not all you can automate.  Hootsuite has a “Suggested Topics” feature that can search for content relevant to your audience and fill in those gaps in your publishing schedule that could lose you followers.

4. Link to your content visually

Pictures paint a thousand words, or so they say, and animation encourages interaction.  Capitalise on this by making sure a click on the visual content will take your customer to your website and bring up relevant information.  The longer your customer stays engaged, the more chance you have of making that sale.

5. Work your Website

In internet terms, your website is your shop, so when you finally get someone to walk in the door you need to show them how they can keep in touch with you once they’ve left.  It’s therefore essential to have “follow” links to all your social media platforms.  You can also use re-targeting options to follow your users from your website back to Facebook or Twitter.

Social media marketing can be tough to understand at first, but the tips above are sure to set you off on the right foot.

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