communication the key

Communication: The most important key to effective leadership

Communication – Management Technique tips:

In one of our recent blog posts, we revealed the top five techniques required to be a great manager. One of these techniques was communication. There needs be a clear communication flow throughout the entire management hierarchy, and this responsibility falls on your shoulders. You need to know how to communicate effectively with your team in order to deliver real results. So, let’s take a look at some top communication tips to help you get started.


Being able to communicate effectively does not only mean relaying things in a clear and straightforward manner. It also means listening so that you can determine how to do things better. To be an effective listener, you must ask probing, broad, open-ended questions. You should also ask employees for feedback and follow up on their ideas, so they know their voice matters.

Convey the organisation’s vision

Your team members will be more encouraged to work hard if they understand the bigger picture. They will know where the project fits in and why their efforts are important.

Set clear priorities

You need to set clear goals, and you must plan and prioritise effectively. This is the ‘who, what, where, when, why and how’ of the project. You can’t expect your team to deliver if they don’t know what they are working towards.

Don’t interrupt others

It does not matter whether you are having a Q&A or a panel discussion, you should not interrupt anyone. This is the easiest way to tune people out.

Back up your ideas with knowledge

A little research will go a long way when attempting to win people over and prove your point. Stick to your facts if you want to show yourself as an expert in your field.

Speak positively

Avoid badmouthing others in your profession, talking down to your audience, and negativism. Your team will respond better if they feel like you are relatable, and taking the high road will effectively and quickly win you plaudits.

Speak briefly and clearly

Don’t fluff up your speed with empty anecdotes or flowery phrases. Stick to the essentials. Simple phrases are often a lot more powerful when getting your point across.

Respect cultural differences

Management needs to be culturally sensitive today. You need to be aware of the subtle differences with regards to how nationalities and cultures interpret gestures and words.

Create an open environment

Last but not least, make yourself approachable. Your team should feel comfortable coming to you with any problems, questions, or feedback.

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